At Green Teen Team our objectives are to connect young people to their immediate natural environment to learn about their local biodiversity and to empower them…
We aim to teach through a variety of different methods. Foremost, through hands on learning experiences, enquiry based learning and problem solving. Learning about conservation and gaining important metacognitive life skills makes GTT experiences valuable now and in the future. One of our objectives is to help to educate young people and their families to be more sensitive to their immediate natural environment and the sustainability of their lives.
Here are some details of our ongoing projects…

GTT collaborated with Parco Natura Viva (PNV) for the first GTT project, ‘Chelonia’, in 2014. PNV is a wildlife park located in Veneto in northern Italy. PNV is dedicated to the conservation of endangered species and is home to many animals from around the world, including mammals, birds, and reptiles. One of the key features of PNV is its focus on conservation and education.
Click here to read more about the Chelonia Project…

Following a visit to Namibia in 2018 GTT were pleased to announce a new project in collaboration with Children in the Wilderness. The first year of this sees the sponsorship of an Eco-Club in the school by the Kunene River, part of the Marienfluss Conservancy which is primarily owned by the semi-nomadic Himba tribe and is one of the most remote areas to visit in Namibia.

GTT have collaborated with the Wild Place Project since 2018 on projects to connect hard to reach groups of teenagers with the conservation areas and green spaces to improve their well-being. Wild Place Project is part of Bristol Zoological Society, a conservation and education charity. They work to save wildlife through conservation research, working to protect endangered species and animal habitats.

GTT are very proud of the collaboration with The University of Turin, Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur les Primates de Madagascar (GERP) and Parco Natura Viva since 2015. This was initiated with a GTT donation to provide rice for the children of Anevoka primary school in Madagascar for the whole of 2016. This project was developed to include plans for a new building to act as a library and teacher’s house for the school. The building, called Santi’s House, was completed in 2018.
Click here to read more about Santi’s House…

Joel Sartore is an American photographer and conservationist who is now well known for his life project, the Photo Ark, sponsored by National Geographic.
GTT are proud to have been able to help field produce a number of the Photo Ark trips because we feel that the Photo Ark is an important tool for raising awareness of biodiversity and inspiring action to protect endangered species. The power of photography to showcase the beauty and diversity of the natural world brings the importance of protecting the planet’s biodiversity.

Since 2020, GTT has worked on a number of fundraising projects to help support the access to education of the children that the PCF helps. The pandemic meant that many children were unable to attend school and further unable to access any of the online school programmes as they had no access to phones or tablets. GTT fundraised to contribute to the provision of second hand mobiles and tablets. We also helped fund a micro well-being project, ‘Kids Out of School’ to promote physical and mental well-being activities and life skills developments through a series of printed booklets that PCF delivered to the children. We all remember how difficult lock down periods were, however, comparing our experiences to being confined to a cramped makeshift home made from cardboard, tin, and plastic without any basic amenities such as running water, electricity, or toilets.

Project Rousseau (PR) is a not for profit organisation based in New York City that works to provide mentorship, educational support, and college guidance to underserved and underrepresented students in high school and beyond. The organisation’s mission is to empower these students to achieve their full potential and become leaders in their communities.