How to Help

Green Teen Team relies on donations and sponsorships to fund global projects and educational camps.

Our trustees in the UK and our honorary members around the world, volunteer their services and we are very grateful as without them none of this would be possible.

There are several ways in which you can help with different kinds of interaction and support.

1. Suggest a project or a place you would like to see/start a project.

2. Become a Green Teen Team Ambassador … apply here … 

3. Write for us, tell your story about biodiversity or how you are involved with nature.

4. Make a regular donation by direct debit, a one time donation to a particular project of your choice, see the UK bank details below.

5. Donate your Thrift+ credits to Green Teen Team, type Green Teen Team into the ‘Choose a charity to support’.

6. Visit and sign up donate 0.5% of your net purchase price to Green Teen Team. Just type Green Teen Team into the search box under ‘Pick your own organisation’

Account name: Green Teen Team

Account number: 40723843

Sort code: 20-45-45

IBAN: GB63BUKB20454540723843