The school is in an area called Maromizaha which is 150 km east of Antananarivo and has been officially recognised as a New Protected Area (NAP) by the Madagascar Ministry of the Environment in 2015. This is credited to the 10 year long programme run by the University of Turin’s Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology in collaboration with Parco Natura Viva. The initiative will become part of ongoing work to involve and educate communities in the importance of biodiversity and the protection of many endangered species in the area and the country.
GTT was happy to announce that they have been able to raise the funds to sponsor the rice for the Anevoka Primary School provisions for one further year in 2017. Towards the end of 2017 we made a new agreement with the collaborators and with LDV International to build a school house and library adjacent to the Anevoka School buildings. This is very important for the school as the teachers must travel 12 miles to the school every day and if there is bad weather or they are sick then the children go without. This school house will allow the teachers to stay overnight if they need to and will hold valuable resources for the school.
At the beginning of 2018, the plans for Santi’s House were agreed, this will hopefully help Anevoka Primary School with more consistent teaching. The building was completed at the end of the year. Santi’s house has been used for many purposes, not always the intended library but also for teaching classes.