Following on from our work in the summer, we are pleased to announce a new project in collaboration with Children in the Wilderness. The first year of this sees the sponsorship of an Eco-Club in the school by the Kunene River, part of the Marienfluss Conservancy which is primarily owned by the semi-nomadic Himba tribe and is one of the most remote areas to visit in Namibia.
The GTT project also sees a number of goats donated to the Himba people which enable them to exist sustainably. The goats can have one kid twice a year and the tribe can benefit from the milk, meat, goat skin to wear as well as to sleep on. The goats do much better then sheep or cattle in the north-western Namibia. They can also easily convert the goats into money to buy food.
GTT also funded the building of an Eco Garden for the local school to encourage Learning Life Skills.