LDV International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to help conservationists worldwide to protect endangered species and vanishing habitats.
Biodiversity rich areas
LVDI prioritises its efforts by focusing in places rich in biodiversity where the local people live in poverty due to a lack of educational and economic opportunities.
Specifically, LVDI supports conservation initiatives that combine education with capacity building and research activities. LVDI strives to elevate the socioeconomic status of the local people and empower them to play an active role in preserving their natural heritage.
Currently LVDI has multiple on-the-ground projects in Africa, Asia and North America. To ensure our work produces meaningful, lasting outcomes they cooperate with in-country conservationists, nonprofit organizations and governmental entities. We also rely on a team of international partners and supporters to achieve our objectives.
Visit the LDVI International website here to find out more about their projects…
Follow our ‘Santi’s House’ project page here