VotesforSchools is a UK based award-winning platform that creates weekly resources to give students a voice on the issues that affect them the most. Each week, thousands of 5-18 year olds vote on a proposed question, and have the opportunity to comment with their thoughts and feelings. Then, we take their voices to politicians, companies, charities and change-makers to ensure that their voice is heard.
This September, VotesforSchools are working with The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) to hear what young people have to say about how climate change could affect their rights.
Click any of the images to sign up for your free resources package.
For the month of September, children and young people from around the world are invited to get involved in a set of specialised lessons to learn more about climate change, their rights and how they can make their voices heard.
The results of this debate will be shared with hundreds of influential people such as MPs, company leaders and various organisations in a bid to have young people’s voices heard at COP26- the annual United Nations Climate Conference that will be held in Glasgow in November.
The vote will be open to all 5-18 year-old’s from 1st-31st September. Click any of the images to sign up for your free resources package.
Click any of the images to sign up for your free resources package.